
Textual Confusion by Fifer Rose


Book Title: Textual Confusion

Author and Publisher: Fifer Rose

Release Date: October 24, 2024

Pairing: MM

Tense/POV: limited third person (unreliable narrator), past tense

Genres: Contemporary MM romance

Tropes: accidental sugar baby, mistaken identity, billionaire

Themes: drama, younger/older man, class difference, self-esteem issues

Heat Rating: 4.5 flames

Length: 124 000 words

It is a standalone story with no cliffhanger. Happily-ever-after guaranteed.


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Impersonating the sugar baby of the richest, meanest CEO in the city? Not Asher’s brightest ever idea.  

Falling in love with him? Frickin’ catastrophic. 


I need you tomorrow.  

Same time and place as last week.

Who dis?

Did I f*ck you stupid last time? You know.

Between barely scraping by financially and dealing with a stalker ex-boyfriend, Asher’s life was already problematic enough before randomly receiving a string of texts from an unknown number in the middle night.

He should have just done what a normal person would do and ignore them.

But since when had Asher ever been normal?  Besides, based on the not-quite-nudes the guy sent, he was clearly hot.

Against his better judgment, Asher responds – which doesn’t take long to devolve into depraved sexting.

He wasn’t expecting the man to Venmo him an eye-popping amount of cash for his trouble.  (Not that he ever got the money.  The guy didn’t know who he was – or that he was even another man, for that matter.)

That should have been the end of it.  Except they keep texting.  And, like the utter moron he is, it doesn’t take long for Asher to catch feelings.

Honestly, he ought to know better than to fall for rich assholes by now.

(Otherwise known as how Asher Kodet, twenty-three-year-old baker extraordinaire, becomes the accidental sugar baby of Markus Kingston, richest, meanest – but actually the frickin’ sweetest – billionaire CEO in all of Seattle.)


“What am I going to do?”

“I say we open an OnlyFans account and start selling pictures of your ass. I mean, the going price is apparently 500 bucks a snapshot. What the hell are we working here for?”

“You plan to profit off my ass?” Asher asked incredulously.

“I mean, it is pretty magnificent. A bona fide piece of art. And I would know, I majored in Art.” A pause. “Which is probably why I’m still working at this dump.”

“It’s not that bad here.”

“You only say that because Mr. Brittle has a perpetual hard-on for you. Again, probably because of that ass.”

“Mr. Brittle’s old enough to be my grandpa. His… equipment probably doesn’t even work! He just likes me because I’m on time and respectful. I, for one, never told him that the saggy skin under his neck makes him resemble a mastiff.”

“What? It was a compliment! I love dogs. Everyone loves dogs.”

“That doesn’t mean they want to be told they look like one!” Asher pinched the bridge of his nose. “Anyway, can we focus on the topic at hand, please? You read the messages. I’m supposed to be meeting this guy tonight.”

She scoffed. “No, you’re not supposed to be meeting him. His hooker or sugar baby or whoever it is he apparently pays for orgasms is supposed to meet him. Those messages were intended for that person, not you.”

Asher frowned. “Yeah, but I’m the one who received them. I’m the one who-”

“-told him you wanted him to spank your hole. Yeah, I saw. But he doesn’t know that. He doesn’t know who you are. Because you didn’t tell him.”

About the Author 

Fifer Rose is a happily married mother of four human children and two very spoiled cats.

When she is not wiping snotty noses or being bullied into feeding her cats (again?!), she can be found obsessing over M/M romance.  She loves all the tropes, some of her favorite being enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, sugar daddy, and mistaken identity.  She also has a penchant for A/B/O dynamics.

While Fifer is a sucker for angst, a happily-ever-after is a MUST in all she reads and writes.   

Unrelated hobbies include baking, attempting to golf (for her husband’s sake), and daydreaming about traveling.  (No actual traveling because did you see the part about four kids?)

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Mystique of the Fallen by Jessamyn Kingley


Book Title: Mystique of the Fallen (D’Vaire, Book 42)

Author and Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Release Date: October 24, 2024

Genres/Tropes: MM Fantasy/Paranormal Romance, Fated Mates

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  90 660 words

Goodreads Series Link 

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Two men from opposite worlds will discover if fate has all the answers.


Venerable Knight Roman Calixtus was once renowned for his conquests. But the fallen knight put those days behind him. A dream grew inside him thanks to his closest friends finding their mates, and now Roman impatiently waits for the other half of his soul. But nothing prepares him for the day he discovers he is paired with a human.

Fallen knights do not get along with humans. None of them have human mates. It shocks Roman, and even the goddesses themselves are surprised by the match. Roman wants to find love. Instead, he is confronted with a belligerent human who believes Roman is a zombie.

Grant’s life is a mess. His boyfriend is controlling. His job is crap, and so is Grant’s outlook. The last thing he needs is a fallen knight in his face, trying to convince him they are meant to be together. Grant no longer trusts tender emotions, nor does he want to speak to anyone who is undead.

The connection Roman wanted is fraught with issues. So is the future, and neither man is prepared for what comes next. In order to get the matebond of Roman’s dreams, he needs the help of a powerful sorcerer and the diligent work of the goddesses watching over their charges. 

In the end, Grant and Roman discover that, despite everything, they are a perfect match.


“Did you look at a clock?” an amused male voice asked.

Grant’s brows drew together. “No, but I guess it’s like seven.”

“Yeah, it’s the first time I haven’t had to wake up to take one of your calls. I’m glad to hear from you. How’s your reading going?”

Unfortunately, Grant had had little opportunity to explore the world of the Council. Reginald was growing more impatient with each day, and Grant had to devote his energy to expediting his future plans. “I’ve got some shit going on, but I read that stuff about your Reverent Knights.”

“Did you Google it?” Roman asked. “I don’t want you to blindly take my word for anything.”

In that way, Roman had Grant’s full respect. Reginald told him what to do and what to believe. If Grant tried to think on his own, it pissed Reginald off, and he accused Grant of lacking trust in him. Grant wasn’t allowed to have any beliefs that deviated from Reginald’s either. 

“Yeah, I didn’t find too much,” Grant confided. “You’re not going to like this, but some humans are, like, proud and shit that they killed those Emperors. They don’t really believe your Reverent Knights are the same guys though.”

“Honestly, I don’t give a shit what humans believe,” Roman said. He cleared his throat loudly. “Present company excluded, of course.”

“It’s okay, you can offend me. You have no reason to be nice to me. I haven’t been nice to you.” 

Finding out that a fallen knight believed they were mates was still fucking up Grant’s headspace, but he was trying to be reasonable. Roman probably wasn’t a zombie. That didn’t mean zombies didn’t exist, but maybe fallen knights didn’t fall into that category.

Grant’s thoughts were fuzzy most of the time, but he hadn’t had any beer since that morning. Even with a clear mind, Grant didn’t know what to make of the situation. The timing sucked. 

“You’re doing your best to learn about me and my world, which I appreciate. All your life, you’ve been taught to avoid people like me. I’m not going to slap a deadline on your feelings. You deserve whatever space you need to adjust to this new reality Fate has thrown us both in. To be honest, I’m adapting too. I’m the first fallen knight to be paired with a human.”

“I guess because humans killed your bosses, you might be pissed.”

“Exactly. Humans also don’t make my job easy. But I refuse to hold that against you.”

“I was a cop. A few years ago, I was doing everything I was told, including fucking up crime scenes for fallen knights.”

Roman sighed. “At least we have law enforcement in common.”

“Yeah, look. I called because I’m going through some shit,” Grant said. “I’ve decided to move. Break up with Reginald. Shit like that. I gotta disappear, so you may not hear from me for a while. I gotta find a place to live and all that. And since we’re being honest, I still need to think about this mate business. You gave me all this stuff, and I haven’t had a chance to read everything yet.”

“I appreciate you letting me know. Good luck with your move. If you need help with anything, I hope you’ll at least consider me a friend you can count on. I’ll unpack a box or slap some paint on the wall with you.”

A strange picture flashed in Grant’s mind of him standing in a living room decorated in blue, green, and silver. Roman was there at his side, and they were laughing. 

“Yeah, thanks, man.”

“I won’t call you. Take as long as you need, and I’ll be here.”

“Why are you so nice to me?”

“Look, this situation is complicated, but I’m unwilling to take out my conflicting emotions on you. On my mate. I can’t predict the future, but I’ve waited a long time to find the other half of my soul. That’s you. Only Fate knows if our bond is a good one. Someday I’d like us to discover that truth for ourselves. In recent years, I’ve learned from my family that Fate doesn’t always get the timing right. I respect that your life didn’t begin the day we met. All I can do is offer my friendship and hope you take me up on that someday.”

Grant was inexplicably moved to tears. Why the hell he was suddenly emotional was baffling, and he blamed it on the rush job he’d had to put on his plans. But he had to admit, having a friend like Roman didn’t sound like a bad thing. Maybe he could do that. Be his friend. But it had to wait until Grant faced Reginald and rebuilt everything.

“Let me get settled. Give me a few months or whatever. Then maybe I’ll call you and we can work on this friends thing.”

“Sounds good, but seriously, if you need anything in the meantime, you can call me, and I’ll try to help.”

“Thanks,” Grant replied, touched by the offer, which did nothing to smooth out his suddenly turbulent emotions.

About the Author 

Jessamyn Kingley has published over thirty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, she enthusiastically adds tales to her D’Vaire series and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. After decades living in the Washington, DC area, she now resides in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends. 

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Twin Firs by Paul Bright


Book Title: Twin Firs

Author: Paul Bright

Publisher: Cascadian Western Press

Cover Artist: Abby Simmons

Release Date: September 1, 2024

Tense/POV: Third person, past tense, alternating POV

Genres: Contemporary MM Rom-Com

Tropes: Lonely train station agent who doesn’t think he’ll fall in love

Themes: New romance after painful breakup

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 91 200 words/366 pages 

It is the first book of the series. It does not end on a cliffhanger, but many stories will continue in the next book. 


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A lonely train station agent waits for true love to arrive.

Updated Blurb

Train station agent Ethan Tremblay believed he'd never find the perfect man to love. Elementary school teacher Leo Grabowski believed no one would love him if they found out who he really was. When they met at the isolated Twin Firs train depot in an idyllic mountain resort in the Pacific Northwest everything conspired to keep them apart, especially their own insecurities, until they finally learned how to become themselves.


The afternoon lunch crowd at Amélie's diner kept her busy tending to her customers at the gay resort but she made time to talk to her son and his new 'friend.'

“Here's your trout, Leo,” Amélie said as she replaced his uneaten salad. “And here's your lasagna. Do you ever comb your hair?”

Ethan glared at his mother. “I don't want lasagna.”

“Well that's what I brought you.”

“You're not helping me lose weight.”

“Absurde,” she demurred and turned to Leo. “There's nothing wrong with a little meat on the bones. What do you think, Leo?”

“I prefer a guy I can grab a hold of,” he said and cast a devilish glance at Ethan's mother.

“I do too. Ethan's father was very handsome but lean. Part Mohawk.  Ohhh, my parents were not pleased when they met him. They were 'Good Catholics' and when they found out I was pregnant they were beside themselves. Calice! It was bad enough I was dating a patient I met during med school residency, la la. But an Indian - that's what they called him...”

“You don't need to tell him your life story, Maman,” Ethan interjected.

“Why not? Leo told me about his mother. Nothing wrong with friendly conversation.”

“I don't want to pry.” Leo attempted to dispel Ethan's discomfort.

“You're not,” Amélie assured him. “I simply want you to know I raised Ethan well despite being a single mother. I also taught him how to use a comb, though lately he seems to have forgotten.”

Leo looked down at his plate, embarrassed for Ethan.

“You also changed my diapers. Want to tell Leo about that?”

Amélie feigned shock. “Let's not go too far.”

“Too late...” slipped out of Leo's mouth before he could stop.

Ethan burst out laughing. He slapped the table and spilled his iced tea.  Leo laughed with him.

Amélie chided them, “All right, all right, make fun of me.”

Ethan sobered up and asked, “How're you doing, Maman?”

“Oh, the same old.  The young ones complain about the older ones moving too slow. The older ones complain about the young ones slipping away during shift to give blow jobs. I bet they wouldn't bitch if they were on the receiving end. I started rubbing lidocaine on my wrist. It helps. Nothing to complain about.”

“Mama Amélie!  Mama Amélie,” a customer shouted from the other side of the diner.

“Oh, I'm needed.” She looked over the tables to see who was calling, then turned to Leo.

“Take good care of him. He's the only son I've got."

She kissed Ethan on both cheeks and limped across the room gleefully shouting, "I'm coming boys!”

Ethan watched her leave, then focused on Leo. “You came looking for me?”

“Yeah,” Leo hesitated, “I wanted to apologize for being so abrupt last night.”

“No, I was totally saying the wrong things. My brain thinks things and they don't come out right.”

“You were right,” Leo said. “I don't know when we'll see each other again.”

“If you keep missing trains I don't know when I'll get rid of you.”

Leo was taken aback. “Oh.”

“I didn't mean it like that,” Ethan blurted out quickly. “I don't want to get rid of you.”

Amélie returned with fresh iced tea for Ethan. “I'm back. They saw your trout and wanted to know why it's not on the menu.”

“Why isn't it?” Leo asked.

“This is a cannibal themed restaurant, la la. Alferd Packer. Donner Trail...'Have Family for Lunch'...”

“That's in California,” Leo interrupted.

Ethan quietly reminded Leo, “Everything at this resort is fake.”

“Creative license, sa coche. Anyway, eating fish has a whole different connotation with gay men.”

“Riiiight...” Leo slowly nodded.

“And I've never told you,” she turned to Ethan, “but I've always wondered where you got the gay. Because your father definitely wasn't. He loved eating fish.”

Leo spit lemonade across the table.

“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!” Ethan shrieked.

Amélie continued dreamily, “He used to whisper to me in Iroquois when we were making love.”


“I often regret never teaching you his language.”

“I don't want to know! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!”  Ethan pushed his chair away from the table. “Don't tell me about your sex life!”

“You told me about yours this morning.”

“NO I DIDN'T. That was autocorrect!”

“I'm simply comparing you to your father. You get the shyness from him.”

“Please stop,” Ethan countered. “You're embarrassing me in front of someone I barely know.”

“The fact that you barely know him isn't my fault,” she declared. “I'll leave you alone so you can remedy that.”

Amélie trudged away and returned to work.

About the Author 

Paul Bright wrote/produced/directed twelve feature films that are internationally distributed including Pocket Mouse Protector, Angora Ranch and Altitude Falling. 

When he was the Artistic Director of the Gaslight Theater in Austin TX, Paul produced 32 stage plays and directed many of them including Loot, The Master and Margarita, Rhinoceros, Death and the Maiden, and Lazarus Laughed. 

He lives in the Columbia River Gorge of the Pacific Northwest in a tiny house with two cats. 

He likes trains.

Twin Firs is his first novel. 

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Dragon’s Folly by Joy Lynn Fielding


Book Title: Dragon’s Folly

Author and Publisher: Joy Lynn Fielding

Cover Artist: Miblart

Release Date: October 9, 2024

Pairing:  MM

Tense/POV: Alternating first person pov.

Genres: Paranormal romance (shifters)

Tropes: Grumpy/sunshine, forced proximity, possessive MC, size difference

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 80 000 words

It is a standalone story in a series. 

It contains mild spoilers for the first book in the Wings over Albion series. 

it does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

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Falling for him would be pure folly. I know that. 

Now all I have to do is convince my heart…


Allowing a strange dragon into my home was not my idea.

The Assembly assured me it was necessary, though. And that’s how I ended up with him.

Ollie Shaw is clumsy. Unfairly hot. He stumbles through my life leaving a trail of chaos and sunny charm in his wake.

And I hoard every moment with him like he’s my greatest treasure.

But with an entire dragon territory to rule, bills to pay, and treachery brewing in my family, I can’t afford to be distracted by Ollie’s copper-gilded beauty and boundless enthusiasm.

especially can’t give in to my dragon’s primal urge to claim him.

Because loving him could cost me everything I’ve fought so hard to protect. And that would eventually come back to bite us both—with dragon’s teeth…

Dragon’s Folly, Book 3 in the Wings over Albion series, is a sweet and spicy, grumpy/sunshine, forced proximity paranormal m/m romance.


“How much longer do you think they’ll—oh my God.” I interrupted myself. “Who is that?”

Mia stood on tiptoe and followed my awestruck gaze. “Who?” she asked. “The redheaded guy with the beard?”

I revised my impression of her intelligence. “The tall one with the shoulders. Black shirt and black jeans.” Along with dark hair, and did I mention shoulders? He was moving decisively through the throng, bootheels striking the floor in a way that might indicate temper or might simply be supreme self-confidence. He knew other dragons would move out of his way. 

Lean-cheeked and dark-browed, his face was set in stern lines that made my knees weak. This was a dragon who knew what he wanted and took it. I hoped that would include me.

He was heading in our direction, closing on us fast. I’d opened my mouth and started to say God knew what but something to make him notice me, when Mia spoke over the top of my incoherent babble.

“Archer,” she said. “This is Ollie Shaw.”

Oh great, her brother had arrived. What bloody awful timing. Wait a minute—the only person next to us was Mr Sex God himself. He smiled slightly at her, before glancing at me. I’d thought the first Mortimer grandson I’d seen would level Troy. This guy would have the Martians invading to fight over his square jaw and piercing grey eyes.

“Hi,” I said, and hoped my voice hadn’t come out sounding as squeaky as I feared.

He nodded at me, not unfriendly but not friendly. And that was the final nail in my coffin because dark, powerful and emotionally unavailable? It was as if he’d read my teenage diary and was role-playing every one of my fantasies. Almost every one—he hadn’t yet shoved me up against the wall and fucked me. I flicked my tongue over suddenly dry lips and wondered if he could see how ready I was to do anything he told me.

“Good to meet you,” I said belatedly, ducking my head in an attempt at a respectful salute to the head of a family. It didn’t work too well because I couldn’t tear my eyes from his face. From the dark eyebrows that were drawing together as I continued staring at him. “I’m from Tunbridge Wells.” I scarcely knew what I was saying, just that I didn’t want him to leave. “Mia’s been keeping me company.”

His eyes narrowed on me, and how the hell did that make him even sexier? “Has she?” His voice was deep, with a dangerous note that thrilled right to my cock.

“Yes.” That was definitely a squeak, damn it. “She’s very nice.” Oh my God, would someone take me outside and shoot me? 

His expression remained stern. “I’m aware of that.” He glanced at her, seeming to forget my existence. “Let’s go, Mia.”

She gave me a grin that let me know she was fully aware of her brother’s effect on me. “Catch you later, Ollie,” she said, and they left.

About the Author 

Joy Lynn Fielding lives in a small English market town, where she indulges her passions for vintage aircraft, horse riding and gardening (though not all at the same time).

She tends to talk a lot about the fascinating facts she discovers during her research for books. Thankfully, she has a very patient Labrador who has a gift for looking interested in what she’s saying while he waits for the food to arrive.

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Bridging Lives by Greyson McCoy


Book Title: Bridging Lives

Author: Greyson McCoy

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Rhys Ford

Release Date: October 8, 2024

Pairing: MM

Tense/POV: First person, alternating POV

Genres: Contemporary MM Literary Romance

Tropes: Small Town Romance, Hurt/Comfort

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 266 pages

Bridging Lives can be read as a standalone. It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited 

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Cliff Anderson hopes to build on the legacy of his late parents, but that dream seems lost when his California homestead is lost to a wildfire. Devastated, he travels to Oregon to stay with his aunt and uncle on their dairy operation while he makes plans for his future.

College professor Brandon Forest has always yearned for a family and a home of his own. Maybe that’s why, despite being busy with his job and his side gig as a fantasy author, he’s stayed on as a seasonal worker at the dairy farm. The farm feels so welcoming, and working on their dairy farm might be the next step in building the life he’s dreamed of.

Then he meets Cliff.

As Cliff and Brandon confront their own broken pasts, they build a connection that runs deep. Laughter and shared experiences prove to be strong medicine for the wounds life has inflicted on them.

Cliff hasn’t let go of his past or the hopes he had for the farm in California. Will his future burn down as he holds on to lost hopes, or can he blaze a new path with Brandon?


I took a seat in the dining room as Sue yelled up the stairs, “Cliff, we’re sitting down to supper. Come on down.”

I looked at Levi with my eyebrow raised in question. “My cousin,” he said quietly. “His farm was swept up in the California wildfires. Only just arrived in the wee hours.”

I cringed. I’d been watching the news about the horrendous wildfire currently scorching through California. It seemed fires were eating up the forested parts of California and Oregon more and more every year. “That’s awful,” I whispered. “He must be devastated.”

Levi nodded, and a somber mood fell over the table. As talk shifted to fences that still needed repair, I popped into the kitchen to help Sue. I was bringing out a bowl of mashed potatoes when I came around the corner and looked right into the eyes of one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen.

When his eyes locked on mine, I stumbled. In one swift move, he caught me, put me right, and then took the bowl from my hands and placed it on the table.

I was still feeling flustered when he shook my hand and introduced himself as Cliff Anderson—chiseled jawline, lean build, and kind-but-sad eyes.

“I’m Brandon Forest, a friend of Levi’s. Nice to meet you.”

Despite his weary expression, his genuine smile caused my heart to flutter.

Sue brushed past us carrying a platter of pork chops and took her customary seat opposite Chris at the end of the table. Only then did I notice Levi had switched seats. Instead of sitting across from Keya, like usual, he was seated next to her. That left two empty chairs side by side, which meant I’d be sitting beside the handsome stranger all through supper.

A whiff of smoke wafted off him, which must’ve permeated his clothes, and it reminded me of all he’d just gone through. My heart went out to the poor guy. I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling.

About the Author  

Greyson McCoy loves to travel. After years of being tied down to a life of kids, work, running a small farm, and all things domestic, he and his husband have taken full advantage of their empty nest to travel the world.

The joy of writing came to Greyson late in life. While completing his master’s degree, he found himself fighting between desperately wanting to write fiction and finishing the homework and papers he’d been assigned.

After his master’s was finished, Greyson decided to shirk his life of responsibility and pursue his dream of writing full time. His stories reflect many of the locations he and his husband have visited over the years.

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