Book Title: The Summoner’s Path (D’Vaire, Book 10)
Author: Jessamyn Kingley
Cover Artist: LJ Anderson, Mayhem Cover Creations
Genre/s: M/M Urban Fantasy Romance
Heat Rating: 3 flames
Release Date: January 17, 2019
Buy Links - Available on Kindle Unlimited
Some paths we choose. Others are chosen for us.
Grand Summoner Dre’Kariston D’Vaire understands firsthand the brutal reality of war. Barely surviving a gruesome battle, he is one of the few remaining warlocks. After recovering from his wounds, he returns to the castle of his birth only to find his entire race annihilated. For centuries he disguises his power and appearance, refusing to be another victim. When he reunites with his twin, his life changes from barren to beautiful. For years he follows his brother’s example of scrying for his mate, but it is not until they join their power that Fate answers, leading him to Court Ethelin.
Prince Somerly Ethelindraconis is stunned as he races to an appointment and runs into a crowned sorcerer standing on his father’s land. His only parent hates magickind and keeps them far from home, but Somerly cannot deny the attractive man his name and number. King Ethelin has his son’s life planned out for him, and Somerly is willing to sacrifice his freedom to help his court—until he falls for Dre’Kariston. He is soon caught between the promises he’s made and what his heart desires. There’s no way to please everyone, and Somerly finds himself teetering on a precipice that forces him to decide where his future lies.
With infinite paths twisting ahead, Dre’Kariston and Somerly must follow the truth in their hearts to make the right choices if they wish to forge an enduring love. Fate brought them together, but will they run out of chances before it’s too late to save their matebond?

“I’m going to guess you haven’t teleported before?” Dre’Kariston asked.
“No, the Consilium outlawed it,” Somerly said.
Dre’Kariston lifted a dark brow but made no comment about his statement. “Just close your eyes so you don’t get dizzy, and you should be fine. Ready?”
Somerly did as he was told and squeezed them as tight as he could.
Dre’Kariston chuckled. “They aren’t going to roll out of your head or anything.”
“I know, I just don’t want to throw up or shit my pants.”
“Let’s go.”
Magic danced over Somerly’s skin and a weightlessness registered; then the ground was firmly under his feet again.
“You can open your eyes now,” Dre’Kariston invited softly.
Lifting his lashes, Somerly found himself in a giant living room with ceilings a full two stories high. There was furniture everywhere, and all of it looked comfortable and welcoming. It was a far cry from the staid decor of his own house. “This is nice.”
Before Dre’Kariston could respond, two blond men ran into the room. The slightly taller one thrust out his hand. “I’m Dra’Kaedan.”
Somerly shook it dutifully. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m his familiar, Renny,” the smaller one said in greeting.
“I don’t really understand what a familiar is, but it’s nice to meet you too.”
“Easiest way to explain it is that I’m just like a warlock, but I was born of Dra’Kaedan’s magic and I rely on him to supply mine.”
“So, you’re like his kid?”
Renny laughed. “He and Brogan certainly act like it sometimes but technically, no. I’m his familiar.”
That cleared it up not at all Somerly decided. He turned to Dre’Kariston. “Do you have a familiar?”
“And here he comes now,” Dra’Kaedan said.
A man who resembled Dre’Kariston walked into the living area. He was wearing a frown and didn’t offer his hand to shake when he got close to their group.
“This is the mate?”
“Grand Summoner Familiar Derwin D’Vaire, this is Somerly,” Dre’Kariston replied. “And yes, he’s my mate.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Somerly repeated for the third time. He suspected he was going to be saying it a lot as he was introduced to all the warlocks and familiars.
“Are you prepared to move into D’Vaire?” Derwin asked.
“Derwin, I just met Somerly today. It’s rather early to begin discussing living arrangements.”
“I’m sure he already knows if he wants to join the Council,” Derwin retorted.
Deciding he didn’t care for Derwin’s hostile attitude, Somerly spoke. “It’s as Dre’Kariston said. It’s too early to discuss any of that. We’ll have to see how things work out, but I appreciate your concern regarding our matebond.”
“You should know Dre’Kariston has zero interest in being flexible about the subject. His intention is to stay here in this big mausoleum until the end of time,” Derwin stated. His eyes had none of the warmth of Dre’Kariston’s and appeared empty to Somerly.
Before anyone could offer any further insight on a conversation Somerly was barely able to understand, two tall dragons walked into the room. One was undeniably the ruler of Court D’Vaire, and next to him was a mated navy dragon Somerly assumed was Dra’Kaedan’s other half. His hunch was proved correct when the man in question ran a hand over Dra’Kaedan’s plethora of golden curls and leaned down to kiss the warlock.
“King Aleksander and Duke Brogan, allow me to introduce Somerly,” Dre’Kariston said.
“Thanks for allowing me to travel to your home, Your Highness.”
The D’Vaire king smiled. “We don’t use titles around here—call me Aleksander. And we’re happy to have you here. As Dre’Kariston’s mate, you’re always welcome.”
Dra’Kaedan rolled his eyes. “Council rules, Aleksander. As long as your mate lives somewhere, you can’t be denied entry. Everyone knows that, skyscraper.”
“Squirt, you’re forgetting he lives in the Consilium. They may not have the same law.”
“We don’t have that rule. Not everyone meets their mate, so there’s no need to protect something Fate only doles out to certain individuals,” Somerly offered. The room went quiet, and Somerly didn’t fully comprehend the tension.
“I guess you’re lucky to be one of the chosen few,” Brogan finally said.
“I’m feeling pretty lucky.”
About the Author
Jessamyn Kingley lives in Nevada where she begs the men in her head to tell her their amazing stories which she dutifully writes it all down in what has become a small mountain of notebooks. She falls in love with each couple and swears whatever book she wrote last is her absolute favorite.
Jessamyn is married and working toward remembering to start the dishwasher without being distracted by the scent of the magical detergent. For personal enjoyment, she aids in cat rescue while slashing and gashing her way through mobs in various MMORPGs. Caffeine is her very best friend and is only cast aside briefly for the sin better known as BBQ potato chips.
Visit her website and follow her on Facebook. She loves to engage with readers there.
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