
Bridging Lives by Greyson McCoy


Book Title: Bridging Lives

Author: Greyson McCoy

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Rhys Ford

Release Date: October 8, 2024

Pairing: MM

Tense/POV: First person, alternating POV

Genres: Contemporary MM Literary Romance

Tropes: Small Town Romance, Hurt/Comfort

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 266 pages

Bridging Lives can be read as a standalone. It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited 

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Cliff Anderson hopes to build on the legacy of his late parents, but that dream seems lost when his California homestead is lost to a wildfire. Devastated, he travels to Oregon to stay with his aunt and uncle on their dairy operation while he makes plans for his future.

College professor Brandon Forest has always yearned for a family and a home of his own. Maybe that’s why, despite being busy with his job and his side gig as a fantasy author, he’s stayed on as a seasonal worker at the dairy farm. The farm feels so welcoming, and working on their dairy farm might be the next step in building the life he’s dreamed of.

Then he meets Cliff.

As Cliff and Brandon confront their own broken pasts, they build a connection that runs deep. Laughter and shared experiences prove to be strong medicine for the wounds life has inflicted on them.

Cliff hasn’t let go of his past or the hopes he had for the farm in California. Will his future burn down as he holds on to lost hopes, or can he blaze a new path with Brandon?


I took a seat in the dining room as Sue yelled up the stairs, “Cliff, we’re sitting down to supper. Come on down.”

I looked at Levi with my eyebrow raised in question. “My cousin,” he said quietly. “His farm was swept up in the California wildfires. Only just arrived in the wee hours.”

I cringed. I’d been watching the news about the horrendous wildfire currently scorching through California. It seemed fires were eating up the forested parts of California and Oregon more and more every year. “That’s awful,” I whispered. “He must be devastated.”

Levi nodded, and a somber mood fell over the table. As talk shifted to fences that still needed repair, I popped into the kitchen to help Sue. I was bringing out a bowl of mashed potatoes when I came around the corner and looked right into the eyes of one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen.

When his eyes locked on mine, I stumbled. In one swift move, he caught me, put me right, and then took the bowl from my hands and placed it on the table.

I was still feeling flustered when he shook my hand and introduced himself as Cliff Anderson—chiseled jawline, lean build, and kind-but-sad eyes.

“I’m Brandon Forest, a friend of Levi’s. Nice to meet you.”

Despite his weary expression, his genuine smile caused my heart to flutter.

Sue brushed past us carrying a platter of pork chops and took her customary seat opposite Chris at the end of the table. Only then did I notice Levi had switched seats. Instead of sitting across from Keya, like usual, he was seated next to her. That left two empty chairs side by side, which meant I’d be sitting beside the handsome stranger all through supper.

A whiff of smoke wafted off him, which must’ve permeated his clothes, and it reminded me of all he’d just gone through. My heart went out to the poor guy. I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling.

About the Author  

Greyson McCoy loves to travel. After years of being tied down to a life of kids, work, running a small farm, and all things domestic, he and his husband have taken full advantage of their empty nest to travel the world.

The joy of writing came to Greyson late in life. While completing his master’s degree, he found himself fighting between desperately wanting to write fiction and finishing the homework and papers he’d been assigned.

After his master’s was finished, Greyson decided to shirk his life of responsibility and pursue his dream of writing full time. His stories reflect many of the locations he and his husband have visited over the years.

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Mystique of the Fallen (D’Vaire, Book 42) by Jessamyn Kingley


Book Title: Mystique of the Fallen (D’Vaire, Book 42)

Author and Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Release Date: October 24, 2024

Genres/Tropes: MM Fantasy/Paranormal Romance, Fated Mates

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  90 660 words

Goodreads Series Link 

Amazon Author Profile

Two men from opposite worlds will discover if fate has all the answers.


Venerable Knight Roman Calixtus was once renowned for his conquests. But the fallen knight put those days behind him. A dream grew inside him thanks to his closest friends finding their mates, and now Roman impatiently waits for the other half of his soul. But nothing prepares him for the day he discovers he is paired with a human.

Fallen knights do not get along with humans. None of them have human mates. It shocks Roman, and even the goddesses themselves are surprised by the match. Roman wants to find love. Instead, he is confronted with a belligerent human who believes Roman is a zombie.

Grant’s life is a mess. His boyfriend is controlling. His job is crap, and so is Grant’s outlook. The last thing he needs is a fallen knight in his face, trying to convince him they are meant to be together. Grant no longer trusts tender emotions, nor does he want to speak to anyone who is undead.

The connection Roman wanted is fraught with issues. So is the future, and neither man is prepared for what comes next. In order to get the matebond of Roman’s dreams, he needs the help of a powerful sorcerer and the diligent work of the goddesses watching over their charges. 

In the end, Grant and Roman discover that, despite everything, they are a perfect match.



Grant slunk off to the kitchen to grab another beer. “Hey.”

“Do you ever sleep?”

“Sure. I’m like your vampire friends, I guess. I like to stay up all night and hide from the sun during the day.”

“Grant, most vampires keep the same day hours I do. While they are sensitive to the sun, they can drink more blood to recover from exposure.”


“I thought you were reading the stuff I left for you. There was no mention of vampires avoiding the sunlight.”

Grant pulled a can from his fridge, which he pocketed, then yanked out a second one. Once he was loaded up on beverages, Grant lumbered to the couch and dropped onto it. “I like to imagine them switching to bats and sleeping in coffins.”

“And I’m just some brain-eating zombie, right?”

Uncomfortable with the ire in Roman’s voice, Grant gulped half his beer as color rose to his cheeks. 

“I didn’t think you ate brains,” Grant mumbled.

“I don’t lump every human into the asshole category, although I haven’t had many positive encounters with them.”

“You don’t like humans?” Grant asked, surprised. He didn’t know what it said about him that it’d never occurred to him that Roman might be uncomfortable with his race too.

“How much about fallen knights have you learned?”

“I skimmed or skipped the historical stuff, but I learned you’re incorruptible. My focus was more on the mates thing because I didn’t really know shit about it. The vomiting isn’t going away, is it?”

“No, I’m afraid that’s a permanent affliction. How’s the boyfriend taking it?”

“Reg is pissed,” Grant confided. “I needed some space to think, so I told him I had a stomach bug. He hates being sick, so he’s been avoiding me. I’ve got some plans, but yeah, I don’t want to talk about that.”

“Okay, that’s fair. Let’s go back to the human stuff. Did you read anything about my bosses? The Reverent Knights?”

Grant’s brow creased as he tried to recall anything about Roman’s bosses, but his mind was blank. “If I did, I forgot.”

“I don’t expect you to memorize stuff,” Roman replied with a chuckle. “Here’s the deal. Unlike me, they remember their lives before they were resurrected. They were dragon shifters. Fate had granted them the highest title among dragons, and they ruled as Emperors for fifty years. Then the man in charge of ensuring they were protected allowed hundreds of humans into their castle. Those humans murdered the now Reverent Knights. My race only exists because humans killed the dragon shifters the Council wanted to create an alliance with to defend them.”

If Grant had read that, he would’ve recalled the gruesome tale. “Wow.”

“Yeah, that happened in 1369, and humans are unlikely to care about the trajectory of the Council or the story of the fallen knights, so I’m not surprised you didn’t know about my bosses.”

“Is it verifiable though? To anyone human?”

“I don’t know,” Roman said. “Our sources of information are vastly different. All I can suggest is that you Google it.”

“You have Google?”


“Can I ask you a question?”

Another one of those sexy chuckles rumbled through Grant’s ear. “Of course.”

“Why do you have a car if you can teleport?”

“Because our laws state we must teleport to designated Dérive stations or to private residences of friends and family. It prevents us from popping into someone on the street and scaring the shit out of them. So, we typically drive from the closest Dérive station to our destination.”

“Yeah, I could see how frightening it would be if people were constantly teleporting everywhere.”

“Exactly, our Council does their best to improve the lives of our people in every way they can.”

“I’d disappear if I could,” Grant whispered. 

The confession came out of nowhere, but Grant couldn’t take back the words. They were the truth, but the last thing he should be doing was alerting anyone to the fact that he was leaving his life behind. But he’d previously mentioned it to Roman, so it wasn’t as if the fallen knight was hearing anything new. 

Grant hated the fear building inside him, but staying was perhaps more terrifying. Reginald wouldn’t take the news well that Grant was the mate of a fallen knight.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Roman asked kindly.

“No. No, I can’t. I should go.”

“I’m glad you called.”

“Bye,” Grant said and quickly disconnected. 

What the hell had he been thinking to call Roman again? Grant’s world was literally crumbling around his ears, and he needed to be packing instead of giving in to his curiosity about Roman. He probably only had a couple of days left before his boyfriend would be pounding on his door again. Laying his head on the cushion behind him and staring at the ceiling, Grant knew he should go to bed so he could get an early start on packing the next day. 

Instead, he popped open the second can of beer and dug the Council book he was reading out from under his couch to read about Roman’s bosses.

About the Author 

Jessamyn Kingley has published over thirty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, she enthusiastically adds tales to her D’Vaire series and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. After decades living in the Washington, DC area, she now resides in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends. 

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Waylaid by J.M. Snyder


Book Title: Waylaid

Author: J.M. Snyder

Publisher: JMS Books LLC

Narrator: Nick Johnson

Release Date: August 16, 2024

Tense/POV: First person, present tense, single POV.

Genres: MM Fantasy/Romance

Tropes: Forced proximity, only one bed

Themes: Falling in love

Heat Rating: 5 flames       

Length: 5 hours and 20 minutes

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

Audible US  |  Audible UK 

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It's only supposed to be one night. Until it isn't.


When the Queen's guardsman enters my inn, the last thing I expect is to be propositioned. But this far north, it can get lonely at times, and my bed fits two easily enough. The guardsman is lithe and fae, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. Besides, what's one night between grown men?

I don't expect to see him again. But rumors of war bring him back to me, and what starts as a one-off soon blossoms into so much more ...

About the Author  

J.M. Snyder is a multi-published author of gay erotic romance who started writing fanfic (specifically, boyband slash). She has worked with several different e-publishers, including Amber Allure Press and Torquere Press, and had short stories published in anthologies by Alyson Books, Cleis Press, eXcessica, and Lethe Press.

In 2010, she started JMS Books LLC to promote and publish her own work as well as that of other authors she enjoys.

Author/Social Media Links

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Beautiful Dark Temptation by Roxas Winters


Book Title:  Beautiful Dark Temptation

Author: Roxas Winters

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Release Date: September 27, 2024

Pairing: MM

Tense/POV: First person/ Past tense/Alternating POV

Genres: Contemporary MM Romance, dark, mafia, college, 

Tropes: Mafia romance, enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, morally grey MCs, possessive MC

Themes: Bisexual awakening, in the closet, trauma 

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 226 pages/ 76 000 words

It is a standalone story with a HFN ending. 

This is book 1 of the Arcadia U series. Book two is in edits.


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I’m not ready to lose it all for a beautiful dark temptation



I’ve lost everything. 

Forced into a prison masking as a school, I find myself in the crosshairs of more than one killer. My savior? The arrogant prick who wants to control me. Kieran is a nightmare wrapped in a seductive package and when he sets his sights on me I don’t know whether to fight him or kiss him. 


I am the eldest bastard of one of the four founders of Arcadia University, and I will do anything to see my family fall. 

The secrets I’ve kept hidden behind my heart now threaten to bury me alive with the arrival of Tomás. He consumes my space, my thoughts, my nightmares. I hate him for how he makes me feel. This toxic attraction between us forces me to question what matters most—vengeance, power, love. But Tomas doesn’t fit into my world of lies and violence and I’m not ready to lose it all for a beautiful dark temptation.



The front door opened and closed as I put my dish away. Getting under Tomás’s skin made me feel alive. I couldn’t kill him yet, but I could fuck with him.

He straightened when he caught sight of me. A hint of pain crossed his features, but he quickly schooled it before he grabbed a glass of water. Without paying me any attention, he downed the water. I couldn’t help but take in his profile. The soft line of his jaw, the smooth suntanned skin, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. I had the urge to cup his throat, feel his pulse. He lowered the cup and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Why my dick chose that moment to twitch made no sense. I wasn’t attracted to him. No way. My erection in the field had to do with the adrenaline rush, not him.

He rinsed the cup and put it away. “What?” he finally said. “You want to finish what we started?”

The image of him stretched out on top of me was what came to mind. My dick against his thigh. And the fucker had grinded against me. I’d felt his erection too before he jumped off me as if his ass were on fire. Then he ran. 

If I expected Fox to let go of Dasher, then I had to stop reacting to this prick like I wanted to shove him out a window. I still didn’t know Tomás’s true bloodline. Murdering him would cause attention and right now, that would be more dangerous than letting him live.

“I think we got off to a rocky start,” I said.

He snorted. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

Cocky fucker almost made me smile. “You’re a part of the four whether we like it or not. Means that we might be family.” Bile rose in the back of my throat. I already knew we weren’t blood related, but he had to belong to one of the four. 

That made him snap his mouth shut. I could see the want of his comeback. He vibrated with it. It took several seconds of silence for him to finally speak. 

“I’m not your family,” he said in a tone that seemed absolute. As if he knew without a doubt that he had no blood ties to any of us. “My family is dead.”

My brain buzzed with all the questions I wanted to ask him. Why was he here? Who sent him here? What was his background? Who are you?

He lifted his hand to wipe his face and winced. Dropping his hand to his side he scowled at me. “You’re fucking psycho. It was just a game.” He made a hasty retreat to his room, holding on to his ribs. 

A game?

The asshole needed to learn the rules of this place.

I heard his door close but not the chair. I breathed in a moment, just letting myself calm down. 

Not happening.

Reaching his door, I pushed it open without knocking. It almost slammed against the wall. Everything I’d meant to say drained away at the picture of Tomás bare chested in front of me. His pants were unbuttoned and hanging low on his hips. Every bit of him exposed awakened something feral inside of me. A desire so deep, I feared releasing it. I suddenly forgot how to breathe, to talk, to make sense of shit. 

“What the fuck?”

The angry sound of his voice snapped me out of my stupidity, and I remembered why I entered in the first place. “You think this is a game? Where the hell do you think you are? Who the hell do you think goes to school here? Because they aren’t friends, they aren’t life-long partners. They’re sons and daughters of assassins, drug dealers, mafia, cartel, and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I should’ve shut up. But I couldn’t. For some reason, I needed him to understand. “Nothing in this place is a game. It’s a test to measure your strength, and out there,” I pointed at the window, “beyond the campus, they’ll rip you apart. So if I were you, I’d really start thinking about alliances. Consider who has your back before someone drives a knife right through it.”

His eyes widened, his mouth opened and closed, and I felt that stirring inside of me that burned all my nerve endings. Then he had to make it worse. “Why do you hate me so much?” 

About the Author 

Roxas writes dark, forbidden MM Romance with morally gray characters you will love to hate. Beautiful Dark Temptation is her first novel in a planned series. 

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Midnight on the Midway: Carnival of Mysteries by Morgan Brice


Book Title: Midnight on the Midway: Carnival of Mysteries 

Author: Morgan Brice

Publisher: Darkwind Press

Cover Artist: Dianne Thies

Release Date: September 18, 2024

Pairing: MM

Tense/POV: Third person, past tense, alternating POV.

Genres: Romance, Fantasy, Mystery/suspense, Paranormal, Shifter, Urban Fantasy,

Tropes: Meet cute, found family, suspect & investigator, fish out of water, supernatural carnival, psychics, caring veterinarian, paranormal mobsters, secret agent

Themes: Learning to trust, discovering the supernatural is real

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 65 000 words

It is a standalone book and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 

Supernatural secret agents, vampires, and veterinarians!


Drake Carlson is an agent for the Federal Bureau of Supernatural Investigation. He’s psychic and gets visions of alternate realities. Drake is tracking magical Mafiosi involved in paranormal crime. On a rare night out, he goes to an arcade and ends up in a Skee-Ball competition with Garrett Thompson, a cute veterinarian, and they really hit it off. More arcade dates and a visit to the Carnival of Mysteries lead to hot nights and a growing connection, and Drake begins to think he and Garrett could forge a forever relationship.

Then a mobster with a sick dog kidnaps Garrett, and a vampire henchman puts Garrett under his thrall. Drake is going to need all the help he can get—from the carnival, his own psychic mojo, and some paranormally skilled friends to catch the mobster, rescue Garrett—and, of course, save the dog—on the way to his happily-ever-after.

Midnight on the Midway is a fast-paced MM paranormal romance filled with supernatural suspense, found family, a brave veterinarian, vengeful vampires, sarcastic ghosts, midway magic, a fearless fed, hurt/comfort angst, love-conquers-all tension, and a very happy ending!

Part of the multi-author, shared-world Carnival of Mysteries series. Can be read as a stand-alone.

Excerpt—in an escape room

The attendant left the room which was designed to look like a Victorian parlor, and they heard the door click shut behind him. Ominous music began to play, and after a few minutes, Drake picked up other sounds like chattering teeth, moans, and wails.

“They go all-out, don’t they?” He followed Garrett’s lead to handle the objects on shelves and tables, gently shifting them to disclose secrets.

“This place has a good reputation.” Garrett turned slowly to survey the room.

Drake resisted the temptation to dive in with his agent training and decided to let Garrett take the lead. “I’ve never done one of these. Where do we start?”

Garrett looked pleased to share his love of the adventures. “This one was rated spooky but not extreme. It’s not like one of those live haunted houses at the beach where actors follow you around and chase you. Some places do have characters, but this one doesn’t.”

“Have you done it before?”

Garrett shook his head. “Not this particular scenario. I did the UFO one here a couple of weeks ago with some friends from work. So I’m basing my expectations on that.”

“So we get to live out our inner Scooby Doo?”

“Pretty much. Trap doors may open, but you won’t fall through anything. Handle anything that’s loose and look for clues or codes. Gently tug on things to see if they move. If it opens, look inside. There will be doors to other rooms, so look for hidden openings as well as regular doors,” Garrett said. “It’s more fun if we work together, so don’t try to do it all on your own.”

Drake thought that working together on a project might feel awkward, or there could be a push-pull vying to be in charge. To his relief, Garrett proved to be competent and inquisitive without any one-upmanship.

They divided the room into search sections, moving clockwise so they eventually went over each other’s areas without getting in the way. Garrett found the first of several clues and seemed genuinely pleased when Drake found a secret door that opened to lead them into a long-abandoned dining room.

A sudden shriek raised the hackles on Drake’s neck. Garrett chuckled. “Gotta watch out for the sound effects. They’ll get you every time.”

Drake relaxed, chagrined, and reminded himself that this wasn’t the usual life-or-death stakes. As he searched behind paintings, checked under couch cushions, and peered inside the grandfather clock, Drake admired the clever set dressing and the ingenuity of the scriptwriter.

Real ghost hunts rarely went smoothly, and while the escape room was made to look like a creepy abandoned house, it lacked the smell of mildew, rodents, and disuse that came with the real thing.

“You’re pretty good at this.” Garrett bumped elbows with Drake. “I think you’ve got a knack for it.”

If you only knew.

About the Author  

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic and urban fantasy, with less romance, more explosions.

All of the modern-day Morgan Brice and Gail Z. Martin series crossover, so characters from one series appear in cameos and on page in important secondary roles in books from other series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but the more you read the more the expanded universe of friendships and connections becomes clear. 

Morgan and Gail believe that paranormal elements make any story even better, and her worlds are full of ghosts, psychics, shifters, creatures, vampires, monster hunters, and magic. 

She's also a huge fan of the TV show Supernatural. (Chibi art by Kamidiox)

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