
An Increasing Entanglement (An Unlikely Alliance, Book 2) by Ellie Thomas


Book Title: An Increasing Entanglement (An Unlikely Alliance, Book 2)

Author: Ellie Thomas

Publisher: JMS Books

Release Date: July 13, 2024

Genre: Historical (Regency) MMM Romance

Tropes: Threesome, Regency, Hurt/Comfort, Class Differences, Interracial, Opposites Attract

Themes: Kidnapping, Avenging Angel, Orphan, Redemption, Found Family

Length: 22 293 words

Heat Rating: 4 flames

It is book two in a series of three.

Book 1 (An Unlikely Alliance) is available for review

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

JMS  |   Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

Can Clem, Abe and Humphrey sustain their burgeoning romance from outside threats? 

And might their connection blossom into lasting romance?


In Regency London, during the Season, after a brief and steamy courtship, the relationship between threesome Clem, Abe and Humphrey holds much promise. 

But their busy routines and different lifestyles, as a professional secretary, society gentleman and an official informant to the military, interfere with their burgeoning romance.

Then sinister forces reappear to threaten their connection and even the life of one of the trio. 

Can these three band together to save the day and keep each other from peril? And given the chance, might they forge lasting happiness together?


Abe entered the Ye Olde Cheddar Cheese tavern closer to eight o’clock than seven. Clem was sitting at their usual table, alone and forlorn. Abe cursed the informant who had delayed him. 

Abe approached, attracting Clem’s notice. His aspect didn’t brighten. There was no teasing smile of welcome. 

Instead, Abe received a chilly glare. 

“You came then,” Clem said flatly.

Abe sat opposite his friend and lover. “Can I get you another drink?”

“If you like.”  

Clem’s glacial indifference continued when their gin was served together with a jug of water. 

He said casually, “I was at the Old Red Lion yesterday to find you’d vacated your room. I thought you might have run out on us.” 

He took a swig of barely diluted gin, avoiding Abe’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, Clem. I should have let you know.”

If they had been in a less public place or one that catered solely for their kind, Abe would have covered Clem’s hand with his own.

“Yes, well, it’s not like you owe me an explanation.” Clem’s defensive posture said otherwise.

“Of course I do. It was remiss of me. I have been occupied with pressing matters, official-like.”

Clem’s body relaxed slightly. Abe hardly made it public that he was working for Horse Guards, but he had shared that confidence with his lovers. He eyed Abe warily under long light brown lashes, a distinct pout to his lush mouth. 

“You could have sent word to me.”

“Yes, I should have. I see that now. I didn’t mean to hurt you, Clem.”

“Who said I was hurt?” Clem’s indifferent words were at odds with his wounded expression.

“Just because I’ve been busy doesn’t mean that I haven’t been thinking of you. And Humphrey, too. I’ve missed you both.”


“I swear it.”

“Then it’s fortunate that I left a note for Humphrey to meet us here after he’s dined.” Clem’s narrow jaw clenched combatively.

He’s not letting me off lightly. At least he’s still talking to me and hasn’t flounced off in a huff, renouncing me forever.

It wasn’t the right moment to argue that either Clem or Humphrey could have taken the initiative earlier. Abe recognised that Humphrey was too self-effacing to make the first move. As for Clem, he’d learned the hard way to be sparing with his trust.

“I’m sorry,” Abe said sincerely. “I’ll say it a hundred times over if that will make amends.”

Abe was the first to admit that once he got the bit between his teeth, he could be ruthlessly single-minded. Apart from his mother, he’d never had to consider anyone’s feelings. Until now. 

That must change, he vowed.

“I’ll gladly apologise to Humphrey. I’ve neglected you both. You know what I’m like when I’m in full cry.”

There was a brief silence as the waiter topped up their glasses. 

“We all have our burdens,” Abe added. “You’re chained to your desk during the day, I’m no longer my own master and Humphrey has a flock of relatives to shepherd.” 

Clem smiled grudgingly. “Is that an excuse?”

“No, more a recognition of our circumstances. What say you if we make this our regular rendezvous? This is as good a place as any to meet every few days. That should avoid any further misunderstandings.”

“I thought you’d left me.”

Clem’s voice was so low that Abe’s strained to catch the words against the background noise of the narrow tavern. 

“I’d never abandon you, Clem. I may have many faults, but I’m no fool. I would never throw away such a treasure unthinkingly.”

Clem stared in his glass.

“Now I’ve found you and Humphrey,” Abe continued. “I won’t let go easily unless that’s your will.”

Clem gazed at Abe, his face unreadable. Then he glanced over Abe’s shoulder.

“You have an opportunity to repeat your abject apology. Humphrey’s coming this way.”

About the Author  

Ellie Thomas lives by the sea. She comes from a teaching background and goes for long seaside walks where she daydreams about history. She is a voracious reader, especially about anything historical. She mainly writes historical gay romance.

Ellie also writes historical erotic romance as L. E. Thomas.

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A Little More Forgiveness by Pauley J Ray


Book Title: A Little More Forgiveness (Hot Property, Book 3)

Author: Pauley J Ray

Publisher: NineStar Press

Cover Artist: Jaycee DeLorenzo

Release Date:  July 2, 2024

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Forced Proximity

Themes: Threesome, Forgiveness and redemption, Overcoming past trauma

Heat Rating: 4 flames      

Length:  120 000 words/ 836 pages

This is book three of a four-book series. It does not  end on a cliffhanger

Each book concentrates on a different main character from the four owners of a successful construction company. Successive books will include spoilers from the previous ones if the books are not read in order.


Buy Links

NineStar Press   |   Amazon UK 

Amazon US   |   Amazon CA

Three angry men, two loveable dogs and one isolated cabin. 

What could possibly go wrong?


Gabriel Sanchez is a man running away from his past, unaware it’s about to catch up to him. Stuck in an isolated cabin with two strangers is the last thing he planned. One guy, a bear of a man shouldering intolerable emotional pain, Gabe instinctively wants to soothe. The other, kinder, gentler, and just wishing to be seen, Gabe desperately wants to show him how visible he is. However, the harder he tries to keep both at bay, the more they fight and the closer they get until his heart begins to desire things he’s promised himself it can never have again.

Leo Taylor has yearned for approval his whole life, and as the lawyer negotiating the sale of a run-down cabin and its land, this time he may just earn it. But, trying to keep the peace between a cocky New Yorker and the grumpiest man alive is slowly taking its toll. During their confinement, secrets are uncovered that will force Leo to make a tough choice. Close the sale and gain the approval he craves, or follow his heart and fight for the men for whom he’s falling head over heels.

Mitchell Houghton is drowning in grief and guilt following the death of his wife four years ago. Then, along comes a lawyer with an outsider who claims to own 50 percent of his home, his land. After years of self-imposed isolation, Mitch is now trapped with them both in his small cabin. Determined to make their lives a misery, he almost succeeds, until their unwanted interaction and attention makes him remember the man he used to be—the one he thought lost forever—giving him another chance at a happiness he’s not sure he deserves.


“I’m a determined man, Mr. Houghton.”

“Or a foolish one.”

I shrugged, not prepared to admit I was beginning to agree with him.

“Time after time, you were told no, but unlike any decent man, any honorable man, you didn’t leave me alone and walk away, did you?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. “No, instead, you went behind my back and began pressuring my brother to sell, recognizing he’d be the more gullible of us, the weaker of the two.”

I frowned at his answer. Obviously, there was far more bad blood between them than I’d originally suspected.

Not my problem.

“And you think it’s me who’s foolish.” I chuckled and shook my head. “I’m here today because you requested this meeting. You. You were the one who’d finally decided to sell.” I lifted my shoulders. “Don’t kid yourself into believing I’m the bad guy in this scenario. It’s pretty obvious as soon as you received our offer and caught sight of all those zero’s, you had a very rapid change of heart.”

“A momentary lapse in judgment,” he snapped at me.

“Whatever.” I balled my hands into fists in my pants trying to remain relaxed, knowing my next admission wasn’t going to be well received. “Oh, and by the way. To be clear, your brother came to us, not the other way around.”

“No.” His sharp rebuttal sounded almost painful.

I shrugged again. “Believe what you want, but I’m telling the truth. Until Jared Houghton offered up his fifty percent, I’d given up on the purchase, had decided you weren’t worth the time and effort to continue pursuing.”

Something flashed in his eyes at my comment but was gone too quick for me to decipher. “There are other cabins, other land”—removing my hands from my pockets, I spread my arms to indicate the shabby interior—“in much better condition.”

He moved off the jamb and was in my face before I had chance to blink, his voice low and threatening. “Be very careful what you say in my home, Mr. Sanchez.” He said my name like my presence left a bad taste in his mouth. “You’re a guest here, and you better remember that—and your manners.”

I took in a few deep breaths, wanting to calm down and ensure I didn’t say something inappropriate. I hated being threatened. Watching Mason after his attack, how he’d get jumpy and scared at the slightest hint of raised voices or aggression from others, I’d done everything in my power to help him work through his trauma. To the point I automatically placed myself in front of him whenever he got anxious, protecting him from anyone getting too close. So Mitchell trying his intimidation act on with me in the hopes I’d cower meekly? Well, I couldn’t help myself.

“Ah, but that’s not quite true anymore, is it?” My blood pumped hard in my veins, rapidly heading south, making me hard. I wouldn’t say I was enjoying our sparring match, but the male aggression filling the air, raising our body temperature, and releasing delicious-smelling pheromones of sweat and musk pushed all my buttons.

I glanced around the room with its worn couch, scuffed oak furniture, and thick log walls, thinking if renovated, the place would look amazing. “I’m not really here as a guest, am I? I own fifty percent, remember? So this place is as much mine as yours.”

I didn’t see the punch coming until it connected with my gut, winding me as it knocked the air from my lungs in a loud whoosh, doubling me over as pain ripped through my abdomen. The next thing I knew, I was grabbed by the collar of my expensive silk shirt and the back of my leather belt and heaved up as if I weighed nothing. He dragged me around the couch to the front door, which, typically, opened as we got there, to a horrified Leo.

Mitchell pushed past him, me firmly in his grip, my struggling useless against his power and strength as he swung me back, and then let gravity pull me speedily forward before releasing me, sending me flying across the porch to land in the snow and frozen dirt at the bottom of the steps in front of the cabin.

“My house,” he roared. “My home. Mine.” Then he slammed the door firmly behind him, leaving me there on my ass and out in the cold.

About the Author 

Pauley J Ray writes contemporary MM romantic fiction. His books contain sexy yet complicated and flawed characters searching for their own happily ever after.

​When not writing, he can’t wait to get outdoors, and with his husband, go hiking, camping, and travel everywhere they can, as often as they can.

With his husband’s job taking them all over the world, he now gets to write all day, every day, and he's never happier than when sat at his laptop creating new stories about gorgeous and sexy men.

Except when there's coffee...ooh and chocolate...yes, he's way happier when there's coffee and chocolate!

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Audiobook - Point Blank: Badlands Book 6 - Morgan Brice


Book Title: Point Blank: Badlands Book 6—an MM psychic detective romance adventure

Author: Morgan Brice

Publisher: Darkwind Press

Narrator: Kale Williams

Release Date: May 21, 2024

Genre: Paranormal M/M Romance, psychic detective adventure

Tropes: Planning a wedding, meddling family, ghost hunting, malicious magician

Themes: Letting go of the past, the power of love and friendship

Heat Rating: 4 flames       

Length:  6 hours and 55 minutes

 It can be read as a standalone although it is part of a series

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

Audible US  |   Audible UK  

Amazon US  |   Amazon UK 

Sexy psychic Simon Kincaide and skeptical homicide detective Vic D’Amato are getting married--if the ghost of a murderous magician doesn’t get them first!


Simon and Vic’s wedding is just a few weeks away, and they’re hoping for a little peace and quiet to wrap up work before their honeymoon, but nothing ever goes that smoothly.

Strange circumstances around the death of a retired stage magician suggest supernatural involvement, bringing Simon in on the case. The dark secrets of a long-ago resort hotel lead to a trail of unsolved cold cases that have a chilling similarity. Old scandals, malicious magic, and vengeful spirits expose a web of lies, deceit, and death that is headed for a reckoning.

Can Simon and Vic solve the murders, stop the ghosts, keep Simon’s mother from crashing the party, dodge last-minute wedding disasters, and still make it to the altar on time? Or will the shadows of Myrtle Beach’s haunted past ruin everything?

Point Blank is a fast-paced thrill ride MM paranormal romance packed with supernatural suspense, sinister sleight-of-hand, mysterious monsters, psychic visions, hot men, hurt/comfort, loyal friends, wedding planning, found family, ghosts galore, dark magic, and an evolving, established romantic relationship with all the feels.

About the Author  

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic and urban fantasy, with less romance, more explosions.

All of the modern-day Morgan Brice and Gail Z. Martin series crossover, so characters from one series appear in cameos and on page in important secondary roles in books from other series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but the more you read the more the expanded universe of friendships and connections becomes clear. 

Morgan and Gail believe that paranormal elements make any story even better, and her worlds are full of ghosts, psychics, shifters, creatures, vampires, monster hunters, and magic. 

She's also a huge fan of the TV show Supernatural. (Chibi art by Kamidiox)

Author Links

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Read a copy of my Badlands short story Restless Nights here for free

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Grabbing My Slyce! by Dann Hazel


Book Title:  Grabbing My Slyce! (​​Some Like It Haute! Gay Romance Series)

Author: Dann Hazel

Publisher: The Original Press

Cover Artist: Joshua Fippen

Release Date: June 24, 2024

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Forced Proximity; Hurt/Comfort; Slow Burn; Age-Stratified or May/December Romance

Themes: Family Strife; Loss of a partner/spouse; dealing with internalized homophobia

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 138 829 words/ 360 pages

It can be read as a standalone, but is part of a series.

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

How do you find your true love when the other business of life has always gotten in the way—until now?


As an only child, Frank Slyce is an independent, self-reliant gay man with a huge creative streak. 

Now, at thirty-two, he feels thrown off-kilter by a proverbial “urge to merge.” 

But how does a man like Frank find love when he has always related best to people older than he is?

Enter David Hawkins, a Unitarian minister who’s similar in age to Frank. At first, they seem to hit it off. But in their steamy pursuit of a relationship, they discover individual differences that feel insurmountable.

Then, Frank seeks a business loan to open Slyce! Pies and Pasta. The hot, charming banker who works with him, Nicolas Beaumont, is eleven years older than Frank. 

Age is not a problem for Frank. 

But what is it about Nicolas’ history or personality that causes the banker to retreat into silence when Frank, for the first time in his life, feels certainty about love?

A slow-burn, age-stratified, HEA gay romance.


Once they’d returned to the Round House dock, Frank helped Nick secure the boat all over again. There was, after their kiss, a certain timidity between them now. As though they had to process what had just happened at their own pace. As though speaking of it might somehow wipe what happened out of existence.

While they worked with the boat, Frank didn’t notice the arrival of a familiar car.

David’s car.

It was, after all, Nick who filled Frank’s consciousness. He could smell him. He could hear his rhythmic breaths. He could feel Nick’s body against his.

It was as though he walked toward the Round House on autopilot. It was as though he had no idea where he was, the magic still had such a blinding hold on him.

Then, from the familiar car, Frank heard his name.

A voice he recognized, shouting his name.

He looked up and saw David, a big smile on his face, a hand waving at him. More eager than ever to spend a day with his chef and their friends. As though those days of silence and isolation had never happened.

Frank smiled and waved back.

Nick noticed. He noticed and took it all in. He didn’t know exactly what was going on between these two men, but from his forty-two years on this familiar planet, he had an idea.

He knew that the best move he could take now was to make himself scarce.

He bid farewell to Frank, asking him to convey his regrets to their hosts, before he headed back to his boat. He was no longer feeling well, he said, and needed to return the boat to the marina, then get himself home and into his bed.

Frank was speechless, though he managed to ask if Nick needed him to accompany him. To make sure he was okay.

“No. That’s not necessary, Frank,” Nick replied. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a—thing—that happens from time to time. It’s not serious. Just my body’s warning that it needs a little rest.”

Nick boarded his boat, then sped away with a perfunctory wave.

Then, Frank turned back to David.

But David, he saw, was already heading into the Round House.

David, he knew, was mad as hell.

About the Author

Dann Hazel has been writing both fiction and nonfiction for more than twenty years. 

Besides writing romance, he has taught high school English and journalism, college psychology and human sexuality, directed federal grants and worked as a therapist in a psychiatric hospital. His fiction genre interests include thrillers, horror, literary and gay romance. He has published the Some Like It Haute Gay Romance Series, including Room for DessertMy Own Private Biscuit and Lonely Diner.

Nonfiction works include Witness: Gay and Lesbian Clergy Report from the Front and Moving On: The Gay Man’s Guide for Coping When a Relationship Ends.

Dann’s personal interests include reading and writing, cinema, jogging, Broadway, keeping abreast of current events and travel.

Currently, Dann lives in Central Florida with his husband, Josh, and their American Eskimo canine, Flurry.

Social Media Links

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Glow by Kristian Parker #kindleunlimited


Book Title: Glow (Pleasure Seekers, Book 3)

Author and Publisher: Kristian Parker

Cover Artist: Kelly Martin

Release Date: June 19, 2024

Genre:  Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Workplace romance, opposites attract, love awakening

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length:  50 040 words/214 pages

It is book 3 in the Pleasure Seekers series and does not end on a cliffhanger. 

The books are best read in order.


Buy Links Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK 

Searching can uncover unexpected truths


Scott Fitzgerald is looking for love. Both his flatmates have met their forever someones—when will his turn come?

Then things at work get hectic after a consignment of Pleasure Seekers’ finest toys goes missing. There’s a thief in their midst and Scott has to find out who it is. 

Enter Prin Lau, the handsome IT technician who’s escaped Scott’s notice until now. When they’re thrown together, it’s not just the hunt for the villain that makes Scott’s heartrate rocket. 

But Prin has fled to Brighton to escape family problems. When he decides it’s time to face them head-on once and for all, where will that leave a barely begun relationship? 

With so much distraction, Scott must keep his eye on the prize—and come to understand what he’s really willing to fight for…


Prin had taken the table at the rear of the coffee shop. As it was early for a Friday, there weren’t many other customers other than a group of schoolkids and a couple of people on their own. The kids were more interested in being the loudest in the group than anything Prin was up to. As for the others, they were focused solely on their laptops.

Nervously, Prin sipped his hot chocolate.

The door opened and Scott walked in. Butterflies swarmed inside Prin. The whole thing had him on edge. Scott’s model looks didn’t help either.

Scott noticed him and came over. “Prin?”

“That’s right.”

Scott dropped his bag and sat down. Prin barely met his gaze.

Maybe this was a bad idea. It’s too bloody late now.

He shifted in his seat.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No thanks,” Scott replied. “I’ve got to go home and log on after this. How did you get out early without raising suspicion?”

“I often work from home so it wasn’t a big deal,” Prin replied.

Scott looked at him expectantly. For some reason, Prin had no idea how to begin.

“It’s probably nothing—”

“I hope not,” Scott interjected. “I’ve had a shit day. I’m banking on you making it a better one.”

Prin had been right. Scott was a self-absorbed queen. He should never have listened to bloody Colin.


Scott held up his hands. “I’m sorry,” he said. “My stupid mouth. I didn’t mean to sound like an arsehole. The truth is, I have a humdinger of a hangover. But I have no right to take it out on you. Can we start over?”

Prin’s nanny always used to say to him that he shouldn’t judge other people’s actions until he had an idea of what they were going through. Perhaps Prin had Scott wrong after all.

“I’d like that. Are you sure I can’t order you a drink?”

“Go on then,” Scott said. “I’ll have a flat white. It’ll give me the final hit of caffeine to get me home.”

Prin caught the eye of the barista. “Flat white, please.”

“Sure thing.”

Prin turned to Scott.

Fuck he’s too handsome to concentrate.

“Okay,” Scott said. “Let’s have it straight. I promise you it won’t go any further unless you want it to. I think I signed something when I joined that says you can sue me if I tell a soul other than a priest or a dog.”

Scott giggled to himself. Prin took a deep breath. This time he properly regarded the man across from him. His eyes were the most vivid blue Prin had ever experienced. Something radiated from him that gave Prin the trust he’d needed to attack this head on.

“My boss is Richard Brammin.”

“You have my sympathy.”

Prin smiled. “His son, Elliott, works in my team. You probably already know that.”

“Yeah. I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with him. Thick and arrogant. The worst combination going.”

“Agreed,” Prin said, relaxing a little. “Well yesterday he was booking a holiday. I know there’s nothing wrong in that. I guess his manner caught my attention. I overheard his conversation. I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything.”

The barista placed a cup down in front of Scott and left them to it. Prin waited until he was out of earshot.

“He asked his friend to pay and he would give them the cash. He told them they had to do it now. I don’t know. Saying it out loud it sounds ridiculous, but he was definitely on edge. Oh yes and he did say that there’s plenty more where that came from.”

Scott sipped his drink and frowned. “Go on.”

“I happened to mention it to Richard and he got really stressed. He stormed off to speak to Elliott about this holiday.”

Prin worried Scott would lay into him for wasting his time.

“It’s not just that,” Prin continued. “Even before that, I mentioned to Richard about the theft and he told me, in no uncertain terms, that it hadn’t happened in IT. I wasn’t to bring trouble to his door.”

Scott frowned. “Richard Brammin is on more money than you and I combined. Why would he want to rob a load of dildos? It doesn’t make sense.”

Prin stared down at his cup. “I shouldn’t have bothered you. I’m sorry.”

“No,” Scott said. “That’s not what I’m saying. This is suspicious as fuck. Problem is, we need a damned sight more before I can take on Richard Brammin.”

“You believe me then?”

“Of course I do.”

Prin beamed. He had been so sure he was sticking his neck out only to get it chopped off. Now he’d unburdened himself, he felt so much lighter.

“What’s next?”

“Let me sleep on it,” Scott replied. “Don’t mention it to anyone. Have no fear, Prin. I will come up with a plan. I always do.”

Scott followed this up with a wink that went straight to Prin’s groin. Being thrown together with this gorgeous man could be very interesting indeed.

Series Blurb (Three Books)

Pleasure Seekers is the online store for the nation’s naughty needs. It caters to all tastes from edible underwear to lube to things that are a little more niche.

Based in Brighton on the South Coast, Pleasure Seekers’ mission is to revolutionise Britain’s sex life. 

But what kind of person works in a company like this?

Meet Tyler, Eddie and Scott. Three men who are about to have the summer of their lives. 

Who says taking your work home with you is a bad thing?

About the Author 

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

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